Was 2020 Really That Bad??| Yearly Review Questions & Exercises :

Unsplash picture by Daria Shevtsova

Let’s take a deep dive, very deep dive to see if 2020 was really as bad as you claim it was. Let’s make 2020 like all those frogs and dissect it.

πŸŽ„ Observer exercise :

Look at your life this year from a third person view. Remove yourself from everything and observe. Don’t judge, just observe. Imagine you were to write a story about your life in 2020. You are the author and your past self that was doing all the actions in 2020 is the main character. Don’t judge your main character, just write their story.

πŸŽ„ Rate your goal accomplishments :

Take your vision board or wherever you wrote your 2020 goals. Take a deep breathe and mentally prepare yourself for the mental breakdown you’ll have when you realize that you accomplished absolutely nothing this year and you were just wasting your time, drifting through life.

Okay, now look at every goal and rate it on a scale from 0 to 10.

Zero being you never looked at the goal again after setting it, you never took any action to accomplish that goal.Five being you did some research and actually started the goal but didn’t put your 1 000% towards it or didn’t stay consistent 50% of the time. Ten being you did it like a hammer and nailed that goal. You are completely satisfied regarding that goal.

πŸŽ„ If you could talk to your past self…

If you had the opportunity to speak to your past self (1st January 2020) self what would you say?? What would tell them?? What would you warn them not do to??

πŸŽ„ What Would You Do Differently??

Armed with knowledge and traveling to the past, what would you do differently?? What do you wish you knew then??

Don’t do this in a guilting way or in a way that makes you want to go back and redo the year. Don’t beat yourself up.

πŸŽ„ Where Did It All Go Wrong??

If you claim that 2020 was such a “bad” year then retrace your steps to figure out what really happened. When doing this exercise rather than looking at all these external factors. Really look at how you contributed to the year going “bad”.

πŸŽ„ Rate The Eight Pieces Of Your Wheel Of Life :

Rate the eight pieces of your wheel of life this year out of 10 to get a gist of how your year was. The eight pieces are :

πŸ’‘ Connection

πŸ’‘ Wealth & Finance

πŸ’‘ Health

πŸ’‘ Spirituality

πŸ’‘ Environment

πŸ’‘ Growth

πŸ’‘ Work

πŸ’‘ Fun & Adventure

πŸŽ„ Last but not last, How have you changed??

What is the difference between the person you are and the person you were on the 1st January 2020?? What is the difference between the person you are and the person you were at the beginning of 2020, before COVID-19 stripped your innocence away??What is the difference you right now, and the person you were when you wrote down your goals at the beginning of the year??

Are you still with me??

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