Questions To Ask Yourself At The End Of the Year| Yearly Review :

It’s yearly review season!! Here are some questions that will help you get a gist of how 2020 really went for you.

πŸŽ„ What are you most grateful for this year??

πŸŽ„ What are your most memorable moments this year??

πŸŽ„ What habits did you pick up this year?? Both good and bad.

πŸŽ„ What is the most difficult challenge you faced this year??

πŸŽ„ Where did you spend most of your time and energy in??

πŸŽ„ What are you most proud of achieving this year??

πŸŽ„ What did you learn this year?? Everything you learnt, from facts to skills.

πŸŽ„ What new relationships did you develop this year??

πŸŽ„ Which relationships did you strengthen and which ones did you overlook??

πŸŽ„What interests did you pick up??

πŸŽ„ What interests did you pick up that you never thought you would??

πŸŽ„ What are some of the most interesting discoveries you’ve made about yourself this year??

πŸŽ„ What was the best news you received this year??

πŸŽ„ Which of your personal qualities turned out to be more helpful this year??

πŸŽ„ What was the most important lesson you learnt this year??

πŸŽ„ What book or movie affected your life in a profound way??

πŸŽ„ What did you create this year??

πŸŽ„ What is the funniest joke you’ve heard this year??( Please share it).

πŸŽ„ What is the funniest thing you said or did this year??

You still with me…??


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