You Can Change The World :

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

I feel like I can change the world right. I literally feel like I can make a difference. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that I just watched legally blonde 2 (totally recommend you to watch it by the way) but I feel like I can change the world and you can too.

Maybe you can’t make an impact on everybody’s life and maybe you can’t make a global impact but you can make a difference in your world. It’s like that guy from Remember Me said :

“Whatever you do in this life will be insignificant but it’s very important that you do it anyway because nobody else will.”

It’s also like how the guy from the Fault In Our Stars was disappointed that he was going to die before he was famous but he was failing to recognize that he had achieved something way greater. He had found true love.

Point is, you can change the world by making a difference in one person’s life. You can change the world by changing something in your world. You can smile often, spend more time with your loved ones, be kinder to strangers, help your neighbour carry the groceries. Something as small as that.

You can even go further than that and inspire and mold young minds if you are a teacher, share your story with the world via the internet or sing songs that will comfort people when life doesn’t seem fair.

Honestly, that is the reason that I write. I want to make people feel exactly the way that I feel right now. I want to make them feel like they are in control of their lives and that they can change their lives.

I worry a lot that nobody reads my blog posts and that I’m not impacting anybody’s life but I really hope that I am. I really hope that my blog helps someone out there to bet on themselves or to love themselves a little more.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to write a list of every cause that you care about : racism, gender equality, mental health…

You can’t care about everything so don’t feel guilty about not having every on your list.

Then from your list, pick one cause and then plan on how you can change that in your world.

I sincerely hope that this post helped you, in anyway. I love you.

Stay amazing and curious.


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