DON’T Give This To Anyone As A Gift!!

It’s the holidays, the gift giving season!! How fun is that?!

Finding the perfect gift to give someone can be tricky and pricey.

I am not an expert on giving gifts but I do know one thing, when picking a gift for someone there is one crucial factor that you should consider. That is, them.

This post is not about any one particular thing that you shouldn’t give anybody as a gift.

The one thing you should never give to someone as a gift is a meaningless gift.

Yes, a meaningless gift. You know that a gift is meaningless if you can give it to another person and there wouldn’t be anything off about it. Make a gift personal.

In one episode of Girlfriends William got Monica, his fiancee a letter opener as her wedding gift. How random and totally ridiculous right?? But William said every year on their anniversary he’s going to write a letter to Monica and she’s going to open it using her letter opener. That is how he personalised the gift.

You don’t have to go all romantic especially if the gift is for one of your aunts cause that’d be just weird. Personalise that gift for the receiver. Have them in mind while picking the gift.

Buy them or make them something that they really want, that they’ll truly appreciate and that they will use. That last one depends on the situation.

This seems like common sense right?? But you’d be surprised on how uncommon common sense is.

You have no idea how many times I have received a gift and I was like, “It’s like they don’t even know me.” I mean if they did know me they’d buy me a book, stationery cause I’m a sucker for those, workout stuff, you know stuff I like.

Don’t be one of those. Don’t give meaningless gifts. Make someone say “Wow!! They really thought about me while buying this. This makes me feel so special.”

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

Go Wow someone this festive.


  1. Yhoo! Giving someone a gift can be tricky more especially if you don’t know that person exactly because you don’t know what they would really appreciate however some people just appreciate your efforts which is important

    Liked by 1 person

      • I do appreciate every gift that I receive especially if I wasn’t expecting it. However I do get disappointed when the people close to me give me something that I already have or something generic.

        Since receiving gifts and giving gifts is one of my love language I go all out when I’m buying a gift for someone and I kind of expect them to do the same.


      • I want a friend who go all out like you because I know I’ll get best gifts ever but as for me personally I consider lot’s of things before buying someone a gift and my friends says I’m stinchy but all I do is try to save and not over gift someone…

        Liked by 1 person

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