10 Things To Do Before 2022 :

The year is not over yet. You don’t have to fold your arms and wait for the new year to start living your life. Don’t put your life on hold because there are only a few days left in the year. Besides, there are important things that you need to complete before the end of 2021 in order to properly welcome 2022.

1. Marie Condo Your Life :

During the course of this year you’ve collected a lot of people and things that simply have no place in your life. It’s time to them go. Declutter. Your life desperately needs decluttering.

From your phone to your ten thousand unopened emails to the clothes you never wear to the clothes that no longer fit you to the broken items in your home that you said you’d fix when they broke a year ago to that boyfriend who treats like you trash to that friend that only acknowledges you in their life when they need something. All of these things gotta go.

Be intentional about the things you keep you in your life and be even more intentional about the things that you bring into your life.

2. Have A Life Admin Day :

A life admin day is a day where you complete the administrative not-so-interesting things that you have been putting off. It’s a day to get caught up. You do things like making appointments, making phone calls, buying gifts, filling out paperwork, organising your space, organising files on your computer… Things like that.

For your getting caught up day I would suggest taking a look at your to-do lists and completing the things that are still relevant in those to-do lists that you haven’t completed yet.

If you have no idea what to do on this day. Here is a checklist I created :

3. Have A Cleaning Day :

Be honest, when did you last clean your house?? I mean really, thoroughly, deeply cleaned your house. Clean all the hidden corners and the places you rarely touch when doing your day to day cleaning. You can even move the furniture around and put new posters on the wall.

4. Have A Self Care Day :

Picture by Brand Kennedy from Unsplash

Have a day where you take a sit back, put your feet on the ground and relax. Do all the fun things that you’ve always wanted to do this year but couldn’t find the time to do.

On this day, you are going to plan and schedule all the things that make you happy and that you want to do. You can have a picnic in the park, go to a museum, go to a spa, go get your nails did and your hair did or have a nice chilled indoor day with a good book or a movie or series.

5. Reflect On 2021 :

Review 2021, how was it??

You all know I love a good reflection so of course I am going to do a deep dive on it. For now, take out your journal and look back on the year.

Describe how it was and what made it that way. Write down things that surprised you, the lessons you learnt and the things you regret.

6. Create Music Playlists :

Picture by Bruce Mars from Unsplash

Create different playlists for different occasions. Create a playlist for when you want to cry, for when you want to dance, a workout playlist and for when you feel happy.

7. Set Intentions For 2022 :

The year is approaching and it’s time to start planning for it. How do you want your 2022 to be like??

Set an intention for the year ahead and a consistent theme for the year.

8. Create Lists For The Things You Want To Do In 2022 :

  • Books you want to read.
  • Recipes you want to try.
  • Songs you want to learn.
  • Movies you want to watch.
  • Netflix shows you want to watch.
  • Skills you want to learn.
  • Places you want to go to.
  • Blog posts you want to write.

9. Set 2022 Goals :

After you have your intentions for 2022 and the theme you want to have in 2022 it’s time to get into the specifics and set goals for 2022. I mean for your life in the year ahead. Taking into consideration the different aspects of your life like health, finances, relationships and so forth.

10. Create A Vision Board :

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. You put pictures of the things that you want to achieve on a board and hang the board some place you’ll see constantly and bam!

I’m more of a dream book gal than a vision board one but one of my favourite Youtubers is a vision board person. Amber Scholl, if you love vision boards you should watch her vision board videos. She makes them at the beginning of every year and I love them.

Enjoy the rest of the year, take things easy and slow. Be gentle on yourself and take care of your mental health. Stay amazing and curious. I love you.


  1. Planning what you want to do and what to achieve it’s nice but there are people out there who gave up on planning so they just go with the flow of what life brings and somehow you can’t blame them because they never achieve what they plan so they just do what’s best for the situation they are in…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Tsepo, how was your Christmas??

      Nobody should give up on planning on how they want their lives to be. Planning gives you a lot of power in your life. Sure there are some things that are totally out of our control but it’s good to stay on top of the things that we can control. Instead of them giving up, what they need to do is look at why things didn’t work out and try to correct that.

      Liked by 1 person

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